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Traditional Eyewear Brand from Sabae, Japan
SABAE OPT,始于拥有百年镜架历史的日本鲭江市,90% 的国内眼镜产量来自这个城市。 品牌名字取自于鲭江市英文名字 Sabae 及验光师专业名词缩写 OPT。 同时是设计师及社长的荒谷直嗣先生,希望制造出品质好及实在的眼镜品牌,创立了 SABAE.OPT,以传达百年历史眼镜之乡及工艺给全世界。 SABAEOPT 的产品结合了日本的七宝烧、明灿莹润釉色和美妙的图案制作过程需三十多道工序,美丽而华贵、细致及复杂的技术创造出此款高档的手工眼镜。 本公司是 SABAE OPT 日本鲭江眼镜的中国授权经销商,详情请致电给我们查询。
SABAE OPT, started in Sabae City where 90% of the domestic eyewear production came from. The brand name is based on the city name and the abbreviation of Optometrist. Mr. 荒谷直嗣, who is also a designer and president of Sabae City, wanted to create some high-quality and beautiful eyewears and founded SABAE.OPT. SABAEOPT's products combine Japanese Shippo-yaki, with its bright glaze color and pattern. More than 30 procedures to create this beautiful and luxurious high-end handmade glasses. Our company is the Authorized Distributor of SABAE OPT Eyewear in China and some other cities in Southeast Asia. Feel free to contact us for more information.
Traditional Eyewear Brand from Sabae, Japan